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All About Us
Pongo el mantel sobre la mesa

So you want to know all about us....

Melissa decided it would be fun if each of the two wrote the bio of the other one for the website. So here they are....
Amanda's take on Melissa: Melissa Briann, what can I say? I don't think I really need to say anything, the battle scars say it all. I'll never find someone who makes me laugh the way Melissa does. Even the stupidest stuff turn into the funniest things! I mean come on... grasshopper? Melissa and I will read that word and bust up laughing. Our inside jokes are countless as well as priceless. I know our friendship is just the same. She is the BEST listener in the world. Tell Melissa anything and she'll give you advice you'd think would come out of a great philospher. Maybe it's all those books she reads, but I can't really tell. It's a blessing she lives right behind me cause I'd be lost without her and her familiy so close to me! Melissa's deffinatly one of those people that you remeber for the rest of your life and she's deffinatly in the top three of my three best friends!

Holy hunk of cartoon... it's sooo wrong.

Amanda: I know this movie by heart... ask Melissa... hehe


Melissa's take on Amanda: Amanda is someone I have known since kindergarden, even if she doesn't remember it. She insults me, and I insult her. My family has even unofficially adopted her. They love her more than me. We have this place on our wall where pictures hang of all the children. She has one there. So I know Amanda. Amanda is both the spawn of Satan and an angel in one weird moment. She loves to have fun and joke, and does so often. She makes me laugh, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love her like she really was my sister. She is a heartbreaker though. So be careful fellas ;) Hehe. Who doesn't love Amanda? That is the question to sum her up.....

Contacting Us

If you want to contact us, you can do so at the web site's official email address


If you have AIM you can im us at
Melsa845 - Melissa
iloveJoshandEwan - Amanda