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Potato Products
Pongo el mantel sobre la mesa

Amamos Las Papas

The potato. Is there anything it can't do? It is wonderful in so many ways. As the french fry, as the baked potato, or even the potato chip, the potato is always beautiful. It tastes yummy in butter, salt, plain, and with so many other condiments (as well as vegetables such as corn). So this is Amanda and Melissa prooving their love for the potato. They love the potato like warm apple pie...oh..wait...

(Below Left) This is the baked potato. ::drools:: Ahem..yes..
(Below Right) This is why the potato is your friend




(right) Now here is a topic that I (Melissa) am not too sure about. The Potato Cannon. It is funny to propell a potato and watching it hit things. However, I love to eat the potato. Is it a waste? Yum or Fun...yum or fun.... Either way I think that the Potato Cannon has its redeeming qualities. So here is a little picture of it for your enjoyment. Perhaps one day I will find directions or a link of how to make a Potato Cannon and show it to all of you. Hehe..or make one myself.....
if you wantto make your own potato gun, here is a site for your refernece..

Now, you may have heard talk about a "Potato Day." In truth, Amanda and Melissa have been making plans for a Potato Day. It is a very exclusive holiday, but a very beautiful one. The partipants eat only potatoes and potato products all day, and drink only rootbeer. The first official Potato Day is yet to occur, but look for coming information about this wonderful day!


This picture was just too adorable to not show you. Hehe...he is a potato...but hes fishing...for a POTATO fish. hehe...